
Đả Đảo CSVN !!!
Hồn Việt Quốc Kỳ

Vietnam after 1975 - A true story of a contemporary witness

The forced reunification
The communists came to our house and stole our whole prosperity.
They said the state will borrow it but that was a of course a lying.

Then we had to burn nearly all of our books even the ancient ones
of Vietnamese literature. They asked us how much money we have
of course we didn't say the truth.
A that time a lot of people hid gold in their houses because of the
reform of currency money became worthless.
We had to hang up a picture of  Hồ Chí Minh to our wall but the CSVN
didn't gave us a picture for free they said we have to buy one.

The next night the CS came with a truck to our house they were asking
for two of my uncles. At that time they weren't at home.
But the next nights they came again and again and one evening one of my uncles was at home.
He was an English teacher at the army of VNCH.
CSVN arrested him.

This situation happened everywhere even you didn't work for army service.
If the CS had your name on their lists they were searching for you
to bring you away.

6 months we didn't know if my uncle was still alive then we got a mail
that he was in a re-education camp far away in northern Vietnam
near the boarder to Laos.
"Re-education" sounds so human but it's a concentration camp.
The people had to work the whole day and got nearly nothing to eat.
My uncle had to work with other prisoners in a forrest,
sometimes when CS felt boring they fixed or hung some peole
on the trees - just for fun. Or if you weren't able to work because you were
sick or you had no more strength 'cause you got not enough to eat they also
tortured you - also just for fun.
And if somebody tried to escape they killed him.
A lot people died in this kind of camps.

Re-education camp in Bến Tre

My aunt was only allowed to visit him one  day in a year.
The situation in whole Vietnam got worser over the next years.
A lot of people starved because of wrong politics in agriculture by the Vietnamese
communists. My aunt and her two children escaped in 1980 and were
able to go to the US. While that time my uncle still was in this camp.

After 10 years my uncle was released of the prison.
One year later he was able to immigrate to the USA because my aunt arranged all documents.

And now I ask you CSVN, is it a crime to work as a teacher?
You are not better like the Pol Pot-Regime in Cambodia.

Until today I despise all CSVN they are dishonest and sneaky - just scum.
If you ask them something and you want to hear the truth they only look down to the floor.
CS are afraid to look into your eyes because they are only instruments of their party.
They know that the communist ideology already died and has replaced to controlled
super capitalism but they don't want to admit it.

When a CS gets old and sick then the CS becomes a burden for the state and then
this person has nothing - and that's what the brain washed  people especially a part
of the Vietnamese youth don't want to believe but that's true and they will see it.