
Đả Đảo CSVN !!!
Hồn Việt Quốc Kỳ

Deputies’ questions center on corruption

Deputy Le Van Cuong (Thanh Hoa) posed a question after hearing the Prime Minister’s report. “Corruption is getting complicated,” Cuong said. “The investigation of many corruption cases proceeds slowly.  The Central Party Inspection Committee recently released a list of many local officials who commit mistakes. Among them there is a provincial chairman who didn’t obey the PM’s instructions five times. These people’s responsibility must be considered.”

“I will check the case of the provincial chairman who didn’t obey my instruction five times,” the PM replied. 

Deputy Cuong continued, asking if the shortcomings in the anti-corruption campaign that have been acknowledged in Government reports and NA oversight could be related to the practice of putting provincial chairmen at the head of the local steering board against corruption? Wasn’t that tantamount to putting the fox in charge of the henhouse, Cuong asked. The deputy added that the chairman who didn’t observe the PM’s guidance five times is the Chairman of Ha Giang province.

The PM replied that there are different views about naming provincial and municipal chairmen as the chiefs of the newly established steering boards against corruption. This is something the Government needs to study.

Deputy Nguyen Minh Thuyet noted that “In the PCI scandal, we found that Vietnamese law doesn’t make any provision for the use foreign evidence.  In Vietnam’s ‘integration process,’ how does the Government plan to deal with corruption involving foreigners paying bribes or money laundering?”

The PM said that he has asked competent agencies to cooperate with Japan to investigate the case. The crime that Vietnamese agencies discovered and for which there was clear evidence has been judged already.  Our basic principle is to judge such cases under Vietnamese law, with evidence Vietnam collects. When there is foreign information about corruption related to Vietnamese officials, Dung added, the government always asks related agencies to work with foreign agencies to investigate. A recent case concerning the decision to order polymer banknotes is an example of such cooperation..

“As the head of the Central Steering Board for Combating Corruption, I’m also anxious when I that the investigation of corruption cases is slow,” the PM said. “Through reports, I see that related agencies are working together seriously, using the right procedures. However, this joint work must be faster.”
source:  vietnamnet

We will see CS, not just talk you have to do it!