
Đả Đảo CSVN !!!
Hồn Việt Quốc Kỳ

The red flag or just a toilet paper

Reaction of the Vietnamese community of the communist flag which is
showed on a board in a language center.

Reactions of the 20th anniversary of German Reunification from VN

We hid the names of these writers to avoid that they'll get in trouble with
the Vietnamese communist authorities.

The Communist Puppet Regime Part 1

Today we will show you how the police is working in Vietnam.
Especially what they are doing.

Another video of corruption at the police.

Here we see what happens if you don't wear a helmet then the police is shooting to people.

Here you can see that you can't talk to the police and any other people who are working for the authorities.

And here we can watch an exercise how to execute prisoners.

Don't wonder that's normal in a country which calls that there isn't any injustice.
In the www there are a lot of people who are hired by the vietnamese government
to spread the old forms of propaganda into the world.

A good list.

Ðây là danh sách Danh sách Việt kiều (VC nằm vùng hãi ngoại) được lũ thú cầm quyền Hà Nội phổ biến để vinh danh chúng!

Người đứng đầu và điều khiển danh sách này là : Thái-Thanh-Giản

Ðặc công Tuyên vận VC:

• Bs. Kiều Quang Chấn-Cali
• Bs. Nguyễn Ngọc Hương-Springvale
• Bs. Nguyễn Thị Thu Cúc-Richmond
• Bs. Trần Thanh Nhơn-Melbourne
• Bs.Hồng Anh Dũng-Belgium
• Bs.Quỳnh Kiều-Cali
--->• Cao Huy Thuần-Pháp• Cao Lương Thiện-Si
• Cựu Nghị Nguyễn Sang-Melbourne
• Gs. Tâm Ðàn-Úc
• Gs. Võ Kim Sơn-Bolsa
• Gs.Tạ Văn Tài-USA
• Hồng Nguyên Nhuận-Sydney
• Huỳnh Tấn Lê-Cali-HHHG
• Hà Dương Tường-Pháp
• Họa sĩ Dương Văn Thành- Thụy Ðiển
• Hồ Lê Khoa, Chồng Bs.Cúc-Clayton
• Hồ Tú Bảo-Nhựt
--->• Hồ Văn Xuân Nhi Jr.-Cali
--->• Hồng Quang-USA (Giao Ðiểm)
--->• Ks. Ðỗ Anh Thư-San José -USA
--->• Lm. Nguyễn Ðình Thi-Pháp
--->• Ls. Nguyễn Hữu Liêm-USA
• Lê Văn Chiêu-Cali
• Lê Văn Hướng-Sj
• Lương Cần Liêm-Pháp
--->• Nguyễn Cao Kỳ-USA
• Nguyễn Mỹ Lý-Úc
• Nguyễn Văn Hiếu-Melbourne
• Nguyễn Xuân Hồng-Cali
• Nguyễn Xuân Thu- Melbourne
• Phan Mạnh Lương-USA
• Phan Văn Giưỡng-St Albans
• Phạm Trọng Luật-Pháp
• Phạm Văn Minh-Sydney
--->• Thích Giác Nhiên-Houston
• Thích Hạnh Tấn-Ðức
• Thích Minh Tâm-Úc
--->• Thích Mãn Giác-USA (đã Viên Tịch năm 2006)
--->• Thích Nguyên Hạnh-USA
--->• Thích Như Ðiển-Ðức
--->• Thích Phước HuệVESAK-Sydney
• Thích Phước Tấn-Melbourne
--->• Thích Quảng Ba-Canberra
• Trung Dung-V.Home Group-USA
--->• Trần Bình Nam-Úc
• Trần Hữu Dũng-Ohio
--->• Trần Văn Thọ-Nhựt
• Ts. Huỳnh Hữu Tuệ-Canada
• Ts. Lâm Như Tạng-Sydney
• Ts. Lê Dũng Tráng-Pháp
• Ts. Lê Quang Bình-USA
• Ts. Lê Văn Tâm-Ðức
• Ts. Nguyễn Văn Chuyển-Nhựt
• Ts. Phạm Gia Thu-Canada
• Ts. Thái Kim Lan-Germany
• Ts. Trương Nguyễn Trân-Pháp
• Ts. Trần Minh Tâm-Thụy Sĩ
• Ts. Trần Tiễn Khanh-USA
• Ts. Ðỗ Hữu Tâm-Irvine
• Vĩnh Hảo-Houston
• Vũ Quang Việt-LHQ
--->• Vũ Ðức Vượng-San Jose
• Ðồn Thị Thanh Tâm-Úc
• Ðặng Văn Hiền- Sydney-VESAK

source: thegioinguoiviet

Hình ảnh hào hùng của người lính VNCH - Quảng Trị Mùa Hè 1972 - HNC

Vietnam calls for civilian protection in Congo

Read the full story.

Oh CSVN is calling for civilian protection?
Vietnamese have less rights in their own country and now VN is playing
"The Angel Of Congo".
And do you know why? Because of economical interests, it has nothing to do
with the Congolese people.

Vietnam taps China on judicial reform

"Vietnam wants to learn from China and its fellow members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations’ (ASEAN) experiences in judicial reform so as to build a strong, democratic and firm judiciary, emphasised State President Nguyen Minh Triet."

source: www.isria.com

Oh really a judicial reform?
Democratic? Maybe in our dreams.

Vietnam sends more students to US

  Read the article.

I wonder that CSVN send his youth especially those who have family at the party to the US
to study economy. Economy classes for a communist country??? Ask CSVN maybe you'll get an answer
how it does fit together.

A few of this young CS students who are in the USA are loudmouths.
In the internet they write a lot of stuff against the US but they study there.
Also they spit to the people of VNCH but did you ever see  this people
of CSVN that they confess in public that they are communists?
Just cowards!
Especially those kinds of idiots who are living in San José and are also called
university students? If you look through the internet you can see their real ideology.
But in normal life they are buying their food in the Vietnamese-American communities too.
If you are against everything CSVN then stop to eat in those areas idiots!
Why your communist communities don't celebrate April 30, Sep.02 or Hồ's birthday???
CS we spit on you, you are ridiculously.

And what's happening if those communist students are finish with their studies in US?
They don't go back to Vietnam, no they are staying in the US - and those people
call themselves as proud communists.

Summary: CSVN are always stupid liars!

Road wrecks decrease despite corrupt traffic police

The traffic accidents have decrased on Vietnamese streets but the corruption
of the Vietnamese police is still high.
But is this a wonder in such a communist country???

Read the full story.

Hồ Chí Minh an apostle???

A book was published on the German market which is called
"Ho Chi Minh - Eine Chronik" ("Hồ Chí Minh - A Chronicle").
This book decribes Hồ Chí Minh as a Mahatma Gandhi of Vietnam.

It's written by Hellmut Kapfenberg but who is he?
He was born 1933 in East Germany and worked after the war
for the East German communist regime that's the reason
he was able to go to Vietnam and spent there 7 years.
He's describing himself as an expert of Vietnam.
On his book there is mentioned that Mr. Kapfenberg has
the experience of the Vietnamese history but it seems to
be only the history of communist ideology.

But this expert only writes in his communist point of view.

He still has connections to the CSVN, see this link

Also the the famous leftist medias around the world are praisng this author.
The communist today forgot that they've betrayed themselves.

1.) Hồ Chí Minh = Mahatma Gandhi???
- No! Mahatma didn't start terror attacks and murder to his own people.
He fought without any weapons.

The world medias only know Mỹ Lai, of course such massacres are a shame.
But the CSVN tried to hide their crimes and massacres to the Vietnamese people, thanks to Hồ Chí Minh!

Massacre against the ethnic minorities in 1967, Đắk Sơn

the Vietnamese communists attacked the Montagnard village of Đắk Sơn and were using flame throwers and automatic weapons murdered hundreds of defensless civilians.
Read the full article.

More terrible describtions can be found here.

 Massacre in Huế , 1968.

Read more about the Terror of the communists.

2.) Mahatma was assinated, Hồ not!

3.) Hồ Chí Minh = apostle ?
- More a crusader because he was responsible for massacres in Vietnam.

Deputies’ questions center on corruption

Deputy Le Van Cuong (Thanh Hoa) posed a question after hearing the Prime Minister’s report. “Corruption is getting complicated,” Cuong said. “The investigation of many corruption cases proceeds slowly.  The Central Party Inspection Committee recently released a list of many local officials who commit mistakes. Among them there is a provincial chairman who didn’t obey the PM’s instructions five times. These people’s responsibility must be considered.”

“I will check the case of the provincial chairman who didn’t obey my instruction five times,” the PM replied. 

Deputy Cuong continued, asking if the shortcomings in the anti-corruption campaign that have been acknowledged in Government reports and NA oversight could be related to the practice of putting provincial chairmen at the head of the local steering board against corruption? Wasn’t that tantamount to putting the fox in charge of the henhouse, Cuong asked. The deputy added that the chairman who didn’t observe the PM’s guidance five times is the Chairman of Ha Giang province.

The PM replied that there are different views about naming provincial and municipal chairmen as the chiefs of the newly established steering boards against corruption. This is something the Government needs to study.

Deputy Nguyen Minh Thuyet noted that “In the PCI scandal, we found that Vietnamese law doesn’t make any provision for the use foreign evidence.  In Vietnam’s ‘integration process,’ how does the Government plan to deal with corruption involving foreigners paying bribes or money laundering?”

The PM said that he has asked competent agencies to cooperate with Japan to investigate the case. The crime that Vietnamese agencies discovered and for which there was clear evidence has been judged already.  Our basic principle is to judge such cases under Vietnamese law, with evidence Vietnam collects. When there is foreign information about corruption related to Vietnamese officials, Dung added, the government always asks related agencies to work with foreign agencies to investigate. A recent case concerning the decision to order polymer banknotes is an example of such cooperation..

“As the head of the Central Steering Board for Combating Corruption, I’m also anxious when I that the investigation of corruption cases is slow,” the PM said. “Through reports, I see that related agencies are working together seriously, using the right procedures. However, this joint work must be faster.”
source:  vietnamnet

We will see CS, not just talk you have to do it! 

Vietnam after 1975 - A true story of a contemporary witness

The forced reunification
The communists came to our house and stole our whole prosperity.
They said the state will borrow it but that was a of course a lying.

Then we had to burn nearly all of our books even the ancient ones
of Vietnamese literature. They asked us how much money we have
of course we didn't say the truth.
A that time a lot of people hid gold in their houses because of the
reform of currency money became worthless.
We had to hang up a picture of  Hồ Chí Minh to our wall but the CSVN
didn't gave us a picture for free they said we have to buy one.

The next night the CS came with a truck to our house they were asking
for two of my uncles. At that time they weren't at home.
But the next nights they came again and again and one evening one of my uncles was at home.
He was an English teacher at the army of VNCH.
CSVN arrested him.

This situation happened everywhere even you didn't work for army service.
If the CS had your name on their lists they were searching for you
to bring you away.

6 months we didn't know if my uncle was still alive then we got a mail
that he was in a re-education camp far away in northern Vietnam
near the boarder to Laos.
"Re-education" sounds so human but it's a concentration camp.
The people had to work the whole day and got nearly nothing to eat.
My uncle had to work with other prisoners in a forrest,
sometimes when CS felt boring they fixed or hung some peole
on the trees - just for fun. Or if you weren't able to work because you were
sick or you had no more strength 'cause you got not enough to eat they also
tortured you - also just for fun.
And if somebody tried to escape they killed him.
A lot people died in this kind of camps.

Re-education camp in Bến Tre

My aunt was only allowed to visit him one  day in a year.
The situation in whole Vietnam got worser over the next years.
A lot of people starved because of wrong politics in agriculture by the Vietnamese
communists. My aunt and her two children escaped in 1980 and were
able to go to the US. While that time my uncle still was in this camp.

After 10 years my uncle was released of the prison.
One year later he was able to immigrate to the USA because my aunt arranged all documents.

And now I ask you CSVN, is it a crime to work as a teacher?
You are not better like the Pol Pot-Regime in Cambodia.

Until today I despise all CSVN they are dishonest and sneaky - just scum.
If you ask them something and you want to hear the truth they only look down to the floor.
CS are afraid to look into your eyes because they are only instruments of their party.
They know that the communist ideology already died and has replaced to controlled
super capitalism but they don't want to admit it.

When a CS gets old and sick then the CS becomes a burden for the state and then
this person has nothing - and that's what the brain washed  people especially a part
of the Vietnamese youth don't want to believe but that's true and they will see it.

A warm welcome for CSVN in San Francisco :D

Biểu tình chống cuộc triển lãm Meet Vietnam ngày 15-16/11/2009 tại San Francisco, CA
Watch part 4 CSVN, only for you, hahaha!

Search for missing daughter: TANG BICH HANG

 NOTE:This article is from vietlish

  If you know anything please contact Joseph Dinh from Vietlish!

Search for missing daughter: TANG BICH HANG

Joseph Hieu Dinh has just received an emotional e-mail from a Vietnamese refugee Father, whose daughter was kidnapped by Thailand pirates from their drifting boat while on the journey to freedom. After twenty-five years of seperation, the father still believes his daughter is alive, and I hope through online networks, we can all contribute towards the healing process of this heart-broken family.
This is a totally legit campaign, and have also been featured on US television SBTN – Chuong trinh Lich Su.
If you are this person, or know any news/leads about her please contact myself immediately: info@josephdinh.com

Photo taken 25 years ago
GENDER: Female
D.O.B: March 13, 1971
BORN: Can Tho, Vietnam
Parents: Tang Bảo Can, Thái Thị Loan
Siblings: Tang Đức Khánh
Bich Hang was missing since 1984 at the age of 14. At birth she has a brown birth mark on top of her right thigh. If she is still alive, she should now be 39 years old. Kidnapped by Thai pirates while escaping Vietnam in a fishing boat, in search for freedom. Still missing at present. Possibly living in Thailand or somewhere around the world. 

A CS patriot breaks the law - internet tort

Our famous German-Vietnamese CS from Hanoi describes today,
that she uses proxy server to reach websites outside Vietnam which
are not allowed by the Vienamese government.

Now we see the true face of this communists always lying each
other and breaking the laws.

Usually the provider should start an investigation to find the ip
and the address of the law breaker to condemn him/her.

Because we don't cooperate with any kind of CSVN we won't
mention the provider but we could.

"Yeah CSVN you made the laws and in a dictatorship this behaviour of a CS  is a crime."

CSVN tries to jam up the using of Facebook

Vietnam's growing legions of Facebook users fear that the country's communist government might
be blocking the popular social networking Web site.

More Information here.

It's probably that the goevernment follows China to block Facebook, Twitter and Youtube.

But that's normal in a dictatorship, a German CS wrote in a comment:

"Strict laws are necessary to have silence in a country so the development won't be endangered.
The actions of the Vietnamese opposition are less constructively in Vietnam" 

CS explain me how you can express democratic ideas in a dictatorship?
That's  contradictory, first you say strict laws are necessary and then ask why
opposition has no effect.

CSVN: Ideology clash as Jetstar Pacific chief quits

  "JETSTAR is forced to deal with a growing ideological divide between its operations and Vietnam's Communist Government after the boss of Jetstar Pacific quit." Read the full story here.
CSVN what do you think you are???

Corruption Ranking: CSVN on rank 120

See the list.

Congratulation CSVN you are the 120th of 180 states, well done.
Maybe next year you can reach the 180.

Here a song dedicated to you CSVN.

Corruption a concern in healthcare, says workshop

We wonder why a Vietnamese News Agency publishes articles about corruption in the health sector,
do you know why?
Because Nguyễn Minh Triết once started his programme to fight against corruption.
With this kinds of articles the communist party of Vietnam can say that their
work is successfully.

Read the article here.

CS Nguyễn Minh Triết visits the Republic of Singapore

Analysis of a newspaper cut of communist Vietnam:

Polictical issues???
It will be only focused on economical issues, CSVN never will change any political issues.
Real propaganda: "...favourable conditions..."
Renewing Viet Nam's administration only means for business partners but not for the Vietnamese people.

Conclusion: This newspaper writes this article like a new sensation of a relation to
another country. Btw. maybe the CSVN forgot that the government of Singapore
is strictly anticommunist. If SGP co-operates on a few political or economical
issues then it's because of business and not friendship CSVN!!!

Next to economic aspects maybe the monkey president will
visit a matchmaking agency to meet his new girlfriend.

Read more about matchmaking agencies in Singapore, where young Vietnamese women dream
of a new life without poverty (because VN is today the best place in the world, right CS?)

Jailed Viet priest in hospital

"VIETNAM'S jailed dissident priest Nguyễn Văn Lý is in deteriorating health after his second stroke this year, his international counsel said on Monday, appealing to authorities to free him. The democracy activist, who was sentenced to eight years in prison in 2007, collapsed from a stroke on Saturday while kneeling to pray and is now paralysed on the right side of his body, said Maran Turner, who represents him overseas.
Authorities took the 63-year-old Catholic priest to a hospital in Hanoi where he is surrounded by five or six guards and not allowed regular contact with his family, she told AFP.
'We are very concerned for Father Lý's welfare and though it seems he is now receiving much needed medical attention, it is vital that Father Lý be released immediately so that he can have consistent medical attention and be with his family without restriction,' she said.
Ms Turner, who is the executive director of Freedom Now, a Washington-based advocacy group for prisoners of conscience, saidLý s family learned belatedly that he also suffered another stroke in July. Lý tried to send a letter about his condition at the time but was not able to, she said.
The priest, who had already been jailed for 14 years since the 1970s, was convicted in 2007 of spreading propaganda against the communist state. He was dragged into the courtroom in handcuffs and tried to shout as a police officer quickly covered his mouth."
source: straitstimes.com

Why CSVN has to protect Father Lý with 5 or 6 men, he's sick CSVN - do you thing he'll escape
or kill you??? Oh boy CSVN you are just idots!

Best wishes for recovering to Father Nguyễn Văn Lý.

Red gibbons visited us again - hi CSVN :)

Now CSVN and her red friends ask why the counters have disappeared.
Because the counters didn't work well.
We'll show you an analytics document every 2 months, btw.
CSVN I can see your visits on my analyze tool :P

CSVN's propaganda site is nice, it's entertainment for us.
She only talks about the past but afraid to talk about what's now.
She only talks about Ngô Đình Diệm, hey VNCH had more presidents,
show us more about your tánh ngu, we are waiting.

And yes you are right, your quote also describes the CS blog too.

Foolishness of others amuses the own soul.

CSVN quản lý con người

From the past to the present CSVN will be still criminals!

Cộng sản là gì ???

Only for you CSVN and your gibbons :D

CS terrorized Sài Gòn

It was really strange that a "state of terror" (another website has mentioned it)
was terrorized by CSVN / VC - strange huh?
And if VNCH was a cruel state why the soldiers didn't kill the both men
they had captured??? Do you think ITN manipulated all the reports of that time?
Just laughing about some expressions of the red gibbons!

VC's Propaganda II - destroying a bridge

In this clip shows how young men and women plus kids to sabotage and terror the South RVN except other military targets,viewers can see craftman's ship and gunsmith skills of the Vietcong to do such how to defuse the bomb and reused the TNT powder to pack as new bombs with banana leaves to blowup the bridge. During the VN-War, Vietcong made quite a number of sabotages to Buses, Church, Schools or where ever the crowded places are, just blow it up to terrorise the people of RVN.That is the way of Communists.

VC's Propaganda I

After people of the red disease started a discussion about VNCH as a regime of terror
we'll show you a prpaganda video of the CSVN how to use dead bodies
of your enemy for psychological aspects.

What can we expect fom ASEAN summit 2010?

The 16th ASEAN summit will be hold in Vietnam
but what can we expect from CSVN?
Probably nothing, the people who are in the Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam
will continue looting their own people.

With new economic progress the party will hide the social problems
of Vietnam so that the guests of ASEAN summit will say that their
host improved a lot.


Protest against CSVN in San Francisco on Nov.15-16, 2009

THÔNG BÁO về cuộc Biểu Tình chống hội nghị Meet Vietnam do Cộng Sản Hà Nội tổ chức tại San Francisco 2 Ngày 15-16 tháng 11 năm 2009

For more information please contact this office:

Cộng đồng Việt Nam Bắc California
2129 South 10th Street San Jose , CA 95112
Điện thoại (408) 298-6174 Điện thư (408) 298-6184
Email: norcalvacom@yahoo.com

Tự Do Con Người Dưới Chế Độ CSVN

The situation of Vietnam from the past and today - watch these evidences.

Tự Do Pháo CSVN

Tự Do Pháo Cộng Sản Việt Nam

A video about what's fact

Red gibbon and friends are squeaking to this blog!

A famous German speaking blog about Vietnam which praises the communist ideologies
and is lying all the time paid attention to our blog.
They were yelling and discussing about us but we don't care about CSVN and hamsaps.

 Here a short translation:
"I don't want to say anything about it but I reached exactly the kind of people with my articles,
that was my aim.  Everybody should made his own opinion about the mental health of
this blogger." 

To the author of that stuff: Your own quote goes back to you :D 

Why do they read our blog, they don't have to.
They don't accept the truth or they can't hear it because they feel pain in their hearts because they believe in propaganda.
But this was our aim to provoke them - they do the same to all Vietnamese who fight against the corrupt and violent regime of CSVN.

Hahaha, funny because we wrote our articles in German before.
We were yelling and used bad words and now the authors things that we have tears in our eyes. Hahahahaha, who's the idiot???
Why? Our homeland was destroyed by CSVN and now if we and the rest of the democratic world says the truth all the leftists feel bad because they have no
answer to our question. Who's now captured in labyrinth of lies?

We'll continue and are not scared about the bunch of animals, if the red gibbon
gives new answers we'll inform you.
We believe in freedom and we'll fight for it.
We fight against communists and "the red barking dogs and red gibbons".

The author of the communist blog says that she doesn't want to spend time to talk about our provocation but then she suddenly starts to talk about it.
Hahaha, what a boleh.


Lying and hiding!

Today we read the famous lying blog of Vietnam and saw an article with
this headline "Schlagt sie bis sie schuldig werden" ("Beat them until they admit they are guilty").
Again and again stupid old propaganda where the author says that VNCH was a puppet
regime and a state of terror.
Who did all bomb attacks in South Vietnam???
Who opened the fire to political and military authorities?
Right, the FNL -thanks for the liberation, living in poverty and
a corrupt state. Thought the author studies history but it seems to be she has a book which is a cheap Chinese copy.

Hey, and what's nowadays in Vietnam???
Puppet of Beijing and terror on everyone who wants to say the truth.
Then on the blog there is a picture of the terrorist Nguyễn Văn Lém ("VC name" Bảy Lốp).
What did the communist monkeys expect in a war?
Let the terrorist go home after firing a gun?

The author never describes the situation of former North Vietnam, why?
If you didn't agree to cooperate with the VC they killed you and that was
great or what - what for stupid comments.
Of course the CS and friends can be happy that no foreign reporters could shot
a movie to show what happened before 1975 in the north.
There only exists photos.

Think about your silly ideas friends of CSVN btw. once somebody said this
good quote: "A good Communist is a dead Communist."

Traffic Accidents in Vietnam

Next to cancer of smoking zje most people die at traffic accidents.

What happens if there is an accident?
Nothing will happen, maybe a few people try to help you but no ambulance will
come because you have to call it by yourself.
Often people don't call it because it cost too much or there is no ambulance service,
so if you are still alive you have to get there by your own.

The communist police won't help you, if they have time they stop by.
Here are a few examples, the last video is really sad, this man died horrible.

Lễ Tưởng Niệm Quân Lực VNCH Paris 2-11-2009

Thank you chiến sỉ VNCH for your service of our nation, we'll keep you in our hearts and minds.


Don't worry CSVN maybe a lot of vids are not available in CSVN 'cause
your communist party blocked it -so you don't can't enjoy this song.

Btw: Some peole say the opposition VN has no solutions for problems, tell me
how is an opposition able to work in a dictatorship?
If you want to avaoid a civil war you can only work step by step.
It seems to be some of this people have never been to VN.
Only reading books doesn't mean you know everythink about VN!