
Đả Đảo CSVN !!!
Hồn Việt Quốc Kỳ

Biểu Tình tẩy chay cuộc "Thi Hoa Hậu" chung kết tại Đức

Protest to the Miss Vietnam in EU contest.
On Sat. 09, 2010 the Vietnamese community protested
against the Miss Vietnam contest, which is hold in several
places across Europe.
Read more.

Why the people protested?
Usually a contest is organized by non political organizations
but behind this contest there is the structure of the corrupt
Vietnamese puppet regime.
Vietnam wants to show that everything is in harmony and Vietnam
is a country of smiling people.
Next year the party will held their national congress, the government is in fear
that the people of Vietnam could disturb this "theatre" of harmony.
So everyone who wants  "change" or try to modernize Vietnam has to go into jail.
Vietnam also tries to edit the history, a few years ago the government set Malaysia and
Indonesia under political pressure.
Once both countries had  refugee camps and there were memorials for the Boat People
but in 2005 the government of Malaysia teared the refugee memorial down.
Our respect to the peple of Malaysia but it's a shame to accept requests of a criminal regime.
Malaysia is Malaysia and shouldn't listen to interests of Communist Vietnam.
Vietnam also asked Indonesia to close the refugee camp on Galang Island but the gov of RI
hasn't act yet because of protests of the people who live on that island.

The next step of CSVN was that the government said the "oversea Vietnamese" especially
the refugees should accept that VN is a socialist state and that they should forgive CSVN
what has happend in the past. - This sentence you could compare that Hitler is saying
to the Jews who survived the terror era of former Nazi - Germany that everyone should forget
and forgive what has happend in the past.

Dear Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam,
shut up you primitive farmers and gangsters!
Continue your business in drug dealing, prostituion, piracy and rubbery.
You communists are communist? Really? Look into your mirror.
How does it fit together that all party members living in nice houses?
Communism says equality for everyone - where I can find it in VN?
In your appartments, đồng chí? Why most business cars have a blue license plate???
Blue plates are for people who work for the state or are members of  ĐCSVN, đồng chí!
And then CSVN says Viet Overseas/ abroad students should come back to their home country.
Why? You only want to steal their properity!
Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam don't talk what Vietnamese people have to say or to think, you bastards!
You and your peole who are doing propaganda are loudmouths!