
Đả Đảo CSVN !!!
Hồn Việt Quốc Kỳ

Vietnamese Heritage & Freedom Flag

Source :http://www.vpac-usa.org/flag/flag_index.htm
Why can't Vietnamese [...] use the current flag of Vietnam?
  • Over the past 10 years, many schools, universities and local municipalities have displayed flags to represent the diversity that exists in their population.  Unfortunately, they display the current flag of Vietnam and Vietnamese [ ...] object to this because hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese lost their lives and families not only in the war, but also at sea in their struggles to seek freedom and escape from the retribution of the Vietnamese Communist Government, by which the current flag represents.
  • Vietnam today continues to have a deplorable human rights record because of the draconian policies of the Vietnamese Communist Government.  In recent months, the Vietnamese Communist Government has arrested and detained many individuals who speak up and advocate reform--many of whom are also members of the Vietnam Communist Party.   
What does the Vietnamese Freedom and Heritage Flag mean to the Vietnamese [...] community
  • Dating back to 1948 (before the existence of the former Republic of Vietnam), this flag has a long history in Vietnam and is a symbol of resilience, freedom, and a yearning for democracy that is deeply rooted in the cultural heritage of the Vietnamese [...].  So long as the current Vietnamese Communist Government continues their totalitarian rule without respect for civil and human rights, Vietnamese [... ] will practice their Constitutional rights of expression by choosing the Vietnamese Freedom and  Heritage Flag (yellow flag with three red stripes) to represent our Vietnamese heritage and as a symbol of freedom for our community. 
  Why is the current Vietnamese Communist Government outraged by the action of so many municipalities?
  • Vietnamese[...] believe that the current Vietnamese Communist Government does not have a say or a right to tell how Vietnamese [...] should be represented.  We live in a democratic society in which our civil and human rights are protected by the [...] constitution and all its institutions.  They are entitled to their way of thinking but have no right to infringe upon the rights of Vietnamese [...].  The Vietnamese Communist Government does not represent the Vietnamese [...] community [...].
 Does the recognition of the flag mean that local and state recognizes the former Republic of Vietnam?

  • No, the Republic of Vietnam no longer exists and we accept that reality. The recognition of the Vietnamese Heritage flag is a recognition of the voice of the Vietnamese [...] community in voicing their opinions on how they choose to be represented when a flag is flown to represent our contribution [...].

     Additionally let's say this suggestion should be used in the whole democratic world.