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Hồn Việt Quốc Kỳ

Boy killed at Vietnam refinery protest

HANOI — A boy was killed and a man left in critical condition when violence broke out during a protest at the site of a planned oil refinery in northern Vietnam, residents and hospital officials said Wednesday.
The incident occurred Tuesday more than 150 kilometres (90 miles) south of Hanoi on land designated for the Nghi Son oil refinery.
Land disputes and complaints that residents have been cheated out of compensation have become the most common cause of protests in Vietnam, a mainly rural country that is rapidly industrialising.

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Vietnam: Catholics protest in Cau Ram over historic church turned into flats

The Vietnamese government had recognised the area as a ‘memorial site’ because it was damaged by US planes. Local officials have signed a deal with a contractor worth millions of dollars.


Hanoi – Waving Vatican flags, Catholics (pictured) from Cau Ram, Yen Dai and Ke Gai parishes in the Cau Ram deanery (Vinh Diocese) met on Sunday to demonstrate against a decision by local authorities to turn land belonging to Church in Cau Ram into a residential area. During the war, the area was occupied by a military base. When hostilities ended, the Vietnamese government declared the area a ‘memorial site’ to be “preserved and protected for future generations in memory of American war crimes.” Located near a lake, the parish buildings, including the sacristy, offices and priest residence were heavily damaged by US bombs.

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Hundreds of children struck by viral fever

HANOI - The number of children currently suffering from viral fever in Ha Noi has risen sharply, according to Associate Professor Nguyen Tien Dung, head of Bach Mai Hospital Paediatrics Department.

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Vietnamese Social Network Says 'Good Morning Vietnam,' Goodbye Facebook

When the pilot version of the go.vn site (www.goonline) was launched this week, it caused a bit of an international dust-up with one major social network and the netizens of Vietnam. Seems like Facebook can't cut a break any where in the world these days!

According to an AFP wire, some believe that the site was created as a result of allegations that
Le Doan Hop
Le Doan Hop
Vietnamese communist
the government restricted Facebook and hacked numerous political Web sites. The Minister of Information and Communication Le Doan Hop dismissed this charge plus another that the network was developed to eliminate Google and Yahoo.

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Vietnam's high-speed railway to come with hefty price tag

Hanoi - Vietnam's proposal to build a 56-billion-dollar high-speed railway from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City may be more than the country can afford, economists and National Assembly deputies said Friday.The government submitted its plan for the railway, to be built with Japanese technical assistance, to the National Assembly on Thursday.The railway would stretch 1,570 kilometres and cut the travel time between Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City from at least 36 hours today to under 10 hours. Foreign development assistance and loans from the World Bank would be needed to finance the project. Critics say the debt would be too large to recoup at realistic ticket prices in a low- to middle-income country like Vietnam.

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Police break Vietnam immigrant trafficking ring

French police have broken an illegal immigrant trafficking ring in Europe that was smuggling Vietnamese migrants over to Britain, the French Ministry of Immigration said Friday.

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Once a refugee from Vietnam, lawyer turns adversity into advantage

There are two ways to look at Anh Le Kremer’s career.

One is that she’s overcome significant adversities to get to where she is. The other is that she’s turned those very adversities into a competitive advantage.

In either case, Anh Le Kremer has accomplished more by age 33 than some do in their whole career, despite a rough start.

Kremer was born in Vietnam, and her family decided to leave the war-torn country when she was 3. They did so on a fisherman’s boat — with 300 other people. The boat drifted in the Pacific for 2½ weeks before an Italian cargo ship picked them up.

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Vietnamese community part of US city’s cultural fabric

Doan Hoang was a toddler when she and her parents rushed to one of the last helicopters out of Saigon early on the morning of April 30, 1975 - the day the Vietnam War ended. (Charlie White, courier-journal.com)

Four months later, the Hoangs were living in an apartment off Fegenbush Lane in Louisville.

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Vietnam police charge six villagers over Catholic funeral

Hanoi - Police in the central Vietnamese city of Danang have charged six villagers who participated in an unauthorized Catholic funeral with public disorder, police and local sources said Tuesday.

The charges stem from a May 4 clash between police and Catholic parishioners trying to perform a burial in a cemetery that authorities have closed and slated for a tourism development.

The clash is the latest in a series of recent land disputes between Vietnamese government agencies and Catholic churches and parishioners.

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Ngày Nhân quyền Việt Nam tại Mỹ

Ngày Nhân quyền Việt Nam tại Mỹ lần thứ 16 với chủ đề: Tự do thông tin trên mạng

Cách nay 16 năm, để hậu thuẫn lời kêu gọi tự do và dân chủ cho Việt Nam do bác sĩ Nguyễn Đan Quế, một nhà tranh đấu ôn hòa đưa ra từ Saigon, Tổng Thống Hoa Kỳ Bill Clinton đã ký đạo luật lấy ngày 11 tháng 5 làm ngày Nhân Quyền cho Việt Nam. Trước đó 4 năm, bác sĩ Nguyễn Đan Quế và nhiều nhà dân chủ khác đã công bố một cương lĩnh phong trào tranh đấu bất bạo động lấy tên là Cao Trào Nhân Bản. Hậu quả là ông bị 20 năm tù và 5 năm quản chế.

Để tìm hiểu thêm về sinh hoạt nhân ngày Nhân Quyền Việt Nam, RFI đặt câu hỏi với đại diện Cao Trào Nhân Bản Quốc Tế tại Washington, bác sĩ Nguyễn Quốc Quân.

Political dirty trick played on San Jose City Council candidate Magdalena Carrasco

SAN JOSE, Calif.—San Jose officials are calling for an investigation after someone sent out a weekend flyer aimed at discrediting a City Council candidate by including a flag of Communist Vietnam.

The mailer claimed to be from the campaign of Magdalena Carrasco. It showed Carrasco next to an image of the Vietnamese flag—which would offend Vietnamese-Americans, who make up about 10 percent of voters in District 5.

Carrasco's manager says the campaign learned of the flyer on Saturday when upset Vietnamese-Americans began calling.

Carrasco calls the flyer disgusting and Mayor Chuck Reed has called for an investigation.

Two of Carrasco's opponents have condemned the mailing.

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Vietnam releases jailed dissident

A Vietnamese dissident convicted in 2007 of spreading anti-state “propaganda” was released on Monday and said he planned to continue his political activities.

Lawyer Nguyen Bac Truyen was arrested in August 2006 with three other members of the People’s Democratic Party, one of the first arrests in a period of tightened political control over the past several years.

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600 escape detox centre

HANOI (Vietnam) - NEARLY 600 drug addicts escaped from a detoxification centre in north-east Vietnam at the weekend, the centre's director said on Monday.

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VNCH Foundation

Vietnam upholds dissidents' jail terms

A court in Vietnam has rejected appeals by some of the country's most prominent dissidents, including human rights lawyer Le Cong Dinh.

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Kỷ niệm 35 năm Giải phóng miền Nam Thống nhất đất nước

Thưa quý vị
Mặc dù mới đây, khi Giám mục Đà Nẵng Châu Ngọc Tri đến chúc tết Thành Ủy Đà Nẵng, Bí thư Nguyễn Bá Thanh còn nói những lời tâng bốc về những đóng góp không nhỏ của những người công giáo.
Song lời nói chót lưỡi đầu môi để làm vui lòng Giám mục Giáo phận đó đã được chứng minh bằng hành động vô nhân tính khi đàn áp đám tang người chết đẫm máu

 Photo: nuvuongcongly.net


NEWS 2010/05/01

Tin tức của rối Hà Nội

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Con khỉ chỉ biết tuyên truyền. Tác giả và bạn của nó là lỗ đít!
CSVN đi ăn cứt, cha mẹ của nó la tội phạm!
Tác giả nói rằng nó là nữ sinh viên ở Hà Nội nhưng không biết nói tiếng Việt
Tôi nghĩ rằng tác giả và bạn của nó là kẻ thua cuộc hoặc tội phạm của xã hội.